Dr. Michael Hunziker (Chairman)*
Dr. iur. Universität Zürich, LL.M. LSE London
Partner Schärer Rechtsanwälte
NPB Neue Privat Bank AG was founded in 2001 as a pure asset management bank by four managing partners and a small group of private Swiss investors. It is an autonomous and independent Swiss private bank based solely in Zurich. NPB is a member of the Swiss Bankers Association.
Our philosophy
We consider us as both businessmen and bankers committed to traditional values. Our guiding principle is to act as a trusted partner to the client, and to exploit the new business opportunities that are constantly opening up in today’s complex and rapidly changing banking environment. As a small, active bank we strive to offer our clients a direct, personal, flexible and rapid service and to demonstrate our ability to do this day in, day out.
Outsourcing partner
The NPB has entered into a partnership with InCore Bank AG (holding of SOBACO Holding AG and of Maerki Baumann & Co. Holding AG) regarding logistics services. Our customers benefit from the latest information and communication technologies equipped with the highest security standards.
NPB Neue Privat Bank AG has enjoyed uninterrupted growth in its business volume since it was founded in 2001. The bank has made a name for itself within the industry – in particular in the area of structured products – and has also received international attention.
In 2009 the bank moved into new prestigious premises in a prime location in Zurich’s Bellevue district.
The bank’s steady and successful progress is due not least to the fact that the Executive Management and Board of Directors have remained largely unchanged since the bank was established and they hold a substantial equity interest in the private bank.
Dr. iur. Universität Zürich, LL.M. LSE London
Partner Schärer Rechtsanwälte
Dr. iur. Comenius University Bratislava, Esq. (NY), LLM New York University
Professional Trust & Verwaltung AG
Prof. Dr. oec. publ., Dr. jur., Universität Zürich
NZZ, SKA, Bär & Karrer Rechtsanwälte, Naegeli & Partner, IBI Bank AG
Zürcher Kantonalbank
Credit Suisse, Abegglen & Partners Management Consultants,
Co-founder/ Managing Partner Marecama Ltd.
Bank Vontobel AG, VP Bank (Schweiz) AG, UBS
Its geographical position in the heart of Europe, multilingualism, highly developed infrastructure, legal certainty, neutrality, stable political situation, low national debt, a strong currency and an unspoilt environment are some of the major benefits Switzerland brings as a location. All these strengths are backed by its citizens’ deeply rooted traditional values and should continue to provide great stability in the future.
In this environment Switzerland has grown continually as a financial centre. Banking has been one of the key pillars of the Swiss economy since the first banks were founded in Switzerland in the 18th century.
This combination of outstanding conditions, tradition and expertise make Switzerland unparalleled as a financial centre.
The NPB has a comfortable capital adequacy position (Tier 1 ratio of 53.37% as of December 2023).
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